Sunday, March 4, 2012


Our dragon boat coach Ilana started a health and fitness blog (link is on the right side of my blog about half way down). At our recent meeting and brunch so many of us mentioned losing weight and getting more fit as things we wanted to work on this year. Yes, we actually had mucho healthy food at that brunch!

Many of us also mentioned having more fun this year and winning more medals. Actually, the fitness thing will help us win those medals!

Anyway, Ilana posted her plans to exercise more with specifics so that she would feel accountable to her readers to follow through.

OK so here are mine. First of all, I gave up cheese for Lent. Yes, that is tough for me at least since I would eat cheese three meals a day if I could - way too much fat, cholesterol and calories. So now I have double accountability to follow through.

Second, I have stopped exercising in my free gym at work (or anywhere else) since Lorraine passed away. Her office was right door and it was too hard to go back. I think it is time to go back which I am sure Lorraine would want.

3/7/12 Accountability update - weak excuse for a gym workout and not doing so well on diet either. Tomorrow is another day.

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