Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Eleanor Roosevelt quote

Reading Eleanor and Franklin books for book club.  This quote is from the book by her young "radical" friend Joseph Lash.  He attributes it to her but I couldn't find the speech it came from.

The basis of world peace is the teaching which runs through almost all the great religions of the world "Love thy neighbor as thyself"  Christ, some of the other great Jewish teachers, Buddha, all preached it. Their follower forgot it.  What is the trouble between capital and labor, what is the trouble in many of our communities, but rather a universal forgetting that this teaching is one of our first obligations. . When we center on our own home, our own family, our own business we are neglecting this fundamental obligation of every human being and until it is acknowledged and fulfilled we cannot have world peace.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


What a fun week-end.  Wonderful people, beautiful city and silver medal. Even the 10 hour trip up by car, shuttle, ferry, and taxi was fun with teammates Luise and Mike.

Lak had the bagpiper escort us to the boats during marshaling of heat 3.  Last year, he had the bagpiper serenade Cyndi on her birthday.

Captain Bill's boat Sick Day was in it's normal spot in Victoria Harbor right at the finish line.  As usual it was party central and race watching central.

Here's a link to a video of heat 3