Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Cup of Tea

In the midst of a crazy day, before the cold commute home, my co-worker brought me a cup of Earl Grey tea. Amazing how nurturing a simple gesture can be. Joked about Jean Luc Picard ordering Earl Grey - hot from the replicator on Star Trek. Love Patrick Stewart. Anyway, what a difference Theresa made in my day. Remembered how another co-worker made me hot tea with honey months ago when I was feeling rotten and could hardly talk. I need to develop the tea-nurturing side of myself I think. Speaking of nurturing, how about coming home to a warm house with hot homemade chili after a 2 1/2 hour commute? Thanks to my wonderful hubby. I need to develop the chili making-nurturing side of myself I think.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Yes, Sandy, plain simply gestures aren't plain at all, kindness touches deep - even the seemingly smallest touch, the acknowledgement of another heart - coming home to warm food, a loving husband, lovely co-worker - wow on the commute I was just wondering about your commute