Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Lesson in Gratitude

So, yesterday I was walking from work to the bus station in the rain, feeling sorry for myself. Just grumpy, feeling ignored at work, and generally stressed out from an unfamiliar work environment.

I ran across a guy about my age, with a twisted body, walking with a cane, carrying probably his worldly possessions in a huge backpack. He actually smiled, joked with me and made me feel comfortable chatting with him.

Then I remembered earlier in the day, the wonderful upbeat attitude of a person I ran across who was fighting a terrible battle with cancer.

OK, God I get the message. No more whining! Oh, and God, please bless both of them with peace and joy and love.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

It is amazing, isn't. And quite the trick to be grateful of the beauty, grace, blessings that surround us, yet gentle with ourselves. Reading your post made think, I bet God doesn't call it whining, but just we are missing out the infinite possibilities/or narrowing our vision
thanks for making me think. May you be appreciated for the things you do big and small