Well, we made it to both events this week-end in Vancouver. The "sans pictures" means that I lost my cell phone/camera last week. Then on Saturday old klutz here fell on her new digital camera. Camera a loss and possibly pictures on card as well. That card contained the pictures from our last Olympics visit as well. The "kind of" part means that Jim took pictures, which I may get access to once developed.
I certainly am no Kelle Hampton (the blogging/photography wizard I've been writing about). Well, I will retreive what pictures I can. Anyway, no pictures or words can really describe some of the incredible Olympic experiences Jim and I have been having.
The biathlon was Saturday at Whistler Olympic Park. The drive up to Whistler was spectacular as well as the 1/4 to 1/2 mile hike into the venue!!!! The drifts of snow were almost taller than me and fresh snow fell most of the day. Jim had the chance to try the biathlon shooting setup which has a sensor giving the shooter auditory cues when they are on target. Yes, visually impaired shooters and armless shooters participate also! The skiing part is done either standing or sitting on specially designed skiis. The visually impaired competitors ski with guides.
Sledge hockey was Sunday at UBC Thunderbird Arena, Italy vs. Norway. How to describe what an experience it was sitting right above the bench of the Norway team? Don't know where to start. The guys are amputees, paraplegics or otherwise mobility impaired. They play seated in an ingeniously designed contraption with a bucket seat and a skate blade underneath. Their poles which propel them around double as a hockey stick.
Had a great time cheering on every single incredible athlete. We had a chance to cheer for the volunteers also! They really helped make the experience special.